Ketamine Infusion Therapy Blog

Sustain Remission from Depression with Ketamine Boosters

Written by KCLA | Jul 22, 2020 12:30:00 PM

You spent years suffering from depression – battling sadness, hopelessness, and numbness. You were alone, unable to participate when you shut down and withdrew from the outside world.


Then, you heard about Ketamine Infusion Therapy, and you came alive again. You felt so much better after your treatment. Color returned to the world and for the first time in a long time, you felt hopeful. But then, out of nowhere…those old symptoms began to return.


Maybe you were so pumped that you were feeling better, you decided to take on too much too fast. Or maybe you’re fighting genetics or treatment-resistant depression, and despite your best efforts, depression symptoms creep back up on you after a period of time.


First, know that you’re not alone and you’re not broken. This doesn’t mean the ketamine treatment didn’t work. In fact, it’s normal for some people to need extra help here and there. Once you complete your initial “loading dose” of ketamine treatments (five to six infusions over the course of three to four weeks), the goal is that you will be relieved from most to all of your depressive symptoms. While some patients achieve long-term relief after one series of infusions, others find they need ketamine boosters to keep their depression symptoms at bay.



Ketamine Boosters for Ongoing Depression Treatment

The goal of ketamine maintenance therapy is to maintain the symptom improvement or depression remission obtained from the initial loading dose. After the initial series of infusions restores the brain to a healthy balance, it is generally easier to maintain that balance than it was to attain it in the first place. Several case studies have found that follow-up “booster” infusions used for maintenance are more successful at preventing a relapse of depression than repeating the initial series of infusions.


Booster infusions are provided on an as-needed basis. Typically, this includes two infusions, administered one to two days apart. In our experience, ketamine boosters have been able to successfully maintain remission when patients receive them at varying time intervals based on their unique needs and preferences. Some patients will have monthly boosters; other patients will simply get in touch with us when they feel their depressive symptoms coming back. The resulting period of relief from depressive symptoms typically lasts three months or longer. However, responses can vary widely with each patient, so there is no one correct course of treatment.


Ketamine Infusion Therapy at Ketamine Clinics Los Angeles is highly individualized. Our team of professionals works hard to create a tailored treatment plan that delivers the best results for each patient. To schedule a booster appointment, book a call with our patient care specialists today.



Ketamine Maintenance Therapy

As a patient of KCLA, you’ll receive personalized assistance from our team. We work with you after your initial series to help you maintain a long-term, depression-free life. This includes regular check-ins and follow-ups regarding the state of your treatment, depression assessments to track your mental health, tools to help you manage your stress and anxiety, and recommended lifestyle changes to help your body physically maintain the biological factors typically associated with lower depression rates.


A tailored combination of depression treatments is your best chance for long-term success. In our experience, we find that ketamine infusions enhance the impact of oral anti-depression medications or provide initial relief that makes patients more receptive to other depression therapies, such as talk therapy with a trusted, licensed, mental health professional.


If you feel your depression symptoms returning, talk to your therapist, doctor, and our patient care team immediately to determine if ketamine boosters are the best solution to get you back on track.